How long does it take to get rates approved?
After making a rate change proposal, insurers must wait between 30- and 60-days before those
After making a rate change proposal, insurers must wait between 30- and 60-days before those
After years of an affordable and stable auto insurance system in Alberta, claims costs relating
No. Alberta has a competitive insurance market and insurers compete for Albertans’ hard-earned premium dollars.
Filings go to the AIRB on a regular basis. This could be to request a
The AIRB does not disclose information about rate filing decisions prematurely for competitive reasons, as
Auto insurance premiums are calculated using many different factors (e.g., number of years driving, claims
In 2004, the Alberta government introduced a number of reforms to improve affordability after claims
“Minor injuries” commonly refers to sprains and strains, whiplash and soft tissue injuries. Other injuries,
There’s a big reason – and that’s the rising costs associated with settlements resulting from
No. Consumers can choose among different insurers’ pricing mechanisms and benefit options to find a